Title: Inflexible Day/Theme: July 2; the limit of a sweet memory Fandom: Original (Dusted Timestamps) Characters/Pairing: Hong; Hong/Ly Rating: G Word Count: 125
Title: God Killed the Queen Day/Theme: April 20; I'd storm heaven for you, if I knew where it was Fandom: Original (Dusted Timestamps) Characters: Ly, barely mentioned Udau; Ly/Hong Rating: PG Word Count: 200
Title: I Am Gardenia Day/Theme: March 4; you are responsible, forever, for what you have tamed Fandom: Original (Dusted Timestamps) Characters: Ly, Ilu; Hong/Ly Rating: PG Word Count: 325
Title: the heavy, heavy chains Day/Theme: February 9; coulda, woulda, shoulda Series: Original (Dusted Timestamps) Character/Pairing: Hong; Hong/Ly Word Count: 166 Rating: G